FAW restructure of the Welsh Women’s Premier League


02 July 2021


Dawn Bowden MS, Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, and Chief Whip


I have now had a constructive and useful meeting with representatives of the Football Association of Wales, to discuss its proposed restructure of the Welsh Women’s Premier League. The restructure is a matter for the FAW, not government, but it has been raised on the floor of the Senedd so I felt it important to speak directly with the FAW, to better understand its plans and the impact any decisions will have on our ambition to ensure more inclusive access to sport in Wales.


Of course, I fully support the FAW’s ambition and focus on developing and improving the women’s game in Wales. However, as the FAW acknowledged in our meeting, the way proposed changes to the structure of the women’s domestic game have been communicated, particularly to the players affected, has clearly been inadequate. The FAW recognises that it needs to urgently change the way it communicates with clubs and players, and also improve its communication with Members of the Senedd and the Welsh Government.


The FAW has given me a commitment that it will do everything it can to support the clubs and players affected by the changes, and to engage more closely and proactively with Members of the Senedd and the Welsh Government in future. I look forward to the FAW delivering on that commitment.